How Do I Know If I Have Rats or Mice?

Mouse and rat identification in San Juan Puerto Rico - Rentokil Formerly Oliver Exterminating

A rodent problem is any homeowner’s worst nightmare. Visually, it can be somewhat simple to know if there are mice or rats in your property. However, there are other traits and behaviors that make these two rodents quite different from one another. Here at Rentokil formerly Oliver Exterminating, we know a rodent problem can be a pain to deal with. Because both rats and mice can be dangerous, we want to provide all the facts you need to know about these rodents. Keep reading to learn how to differentiate rats and mice by their body size, droppings, diet, and more.

All About Mice

Mice are typically significantly smaller than rats and exhibit some different behaviors. Here’s how to tell them apart:

  1. The house mouse is usually just 2–4 inches long.
  2. Mice have larger ears and a longer tail compared to its body length.
  3. Mice are often gray or brown in color, with a lighter shade or white color on their bellies.
  4. Mice droppings have pointed ends and are just 1–2 mm long.
  5. Most mice feed on fruits, seeds, grains, and occasionally meat.
  6. They produce 5–10 litters a year with up to 14 mice in each litter.

Rat Identification

From the Norway rat to the roof rat, these rodents are known for being larger than their mouse counterparts.

  1. Rats have thicker bodies and tails that are shorter than the length of their body.
  2. They possess small hairy ears and larger feet.
  3. Rat droppings are banana-shaped and much bigger than mice droppings at 10–20 mm long.
  4. Rats produce 3–6 litters a year with up to 10 pups in each litter.
  5. Rats are adventurous, omnivorous eaters who will feed on a variety of grains and meats.
  6. They forage overnight and nest in garages, trees, and basements.

Are Rats and Mice Dangerous?

Rats and mice alike can exhibit similar behaviors inside your property if they have infested your home. They are also both dangerous in several ways. Rodents are infamous for their ability to carry and spread a number of potentially dangerous diseases. They also can trigger allergies in people. A rodent problem can be a mess to clean up due to the amount of droppings and urine left behind. Lastly, they can cause significant damage to your home. Both mice and rats will chew through insulation, cardboard, wood, and electrical wiring. Needless to say, this can be rather dangerous.

Need Help Identifying Rodents?

If you are unsure what type of rat or mouse has infested your home, contact the rodent exterminators at Rentokil. Our team knows how distressing a rat or mouse problem can be, which is why we are committed to keeping you safe from them year-round here in Puerto Rico. Call us today to learn more!

Why Are Rodents More Aggressive During COVID-19?

Rodents are entering Puerto Rico homes during the pandemic - Rentokil formerly Oliver ExterminatingRodents are one of the most common pest problems in Puerto Rico this time of year. However, if you’ve been seeing more than ever, you’re not alone! Since the start of the pandemic, rat and mouse infestations have become more of a problem for residents. This is due to the fact that rodents were suddenly depleted of their food source when restaurants and bars were put under new limitations. In addition to becoming more abundant, they have become more aggressive as they compete for food sources. A rodent problem is always a property owner’s worst nightmare—not only do they spread germs and bacteria, they also can be destructive. For this reason, Rentokil formerly Oliver Exterminating is focusing on prevention tips this Rodent Awareness Week. Keep reading to learn more.

Rodents During the Pandemic in Puerto Rico

We all know rats and mice can transmit disease, but what about COVID-19? While rats and mice have been linked to certain coronaviruses, there is no current evidence or research to show that rodents are transmitting the current strain (SARS-CoV-2) to humans. Here are the facts:

  1. Due to the restaurant shutdowns and lockdowns, there have been a number of reported cases of rats and mice becoming more bold and rampant in the absence of food sources.
  2. The surge in rodent activity leads to a bigger risk of infestations and rodent-spread issues.
  3. While they won’t transmit COVID-19 to you or your family, rodents still can spread other diseases including hantavirus, salmonellosis, and more.
  4. Once inside your home, rodents can cause damage with their chewing and nesting habits.

Tips to Prevent Rats & Mice

To keep rodents and the dangers they bring out of your home, it’s important to implement rodent exclusion practices. These include:

  • Storing food properly. Securely store food in tight-fitting containers with lids.
  • Sealing holes around pipes. Use caulk or wire wool to cover up gaps and openings near pipes and other openings.
  • Covering vents. Install mesh screens on your vents. Also consider installing screens on doors and windows.
  • Using tight lids on trash cans. Rodents love to rummage in the garbage! If possible, keep your trash cans sealed and stored.
  • Protecting eaves. Fix any damaged roofing and use wire mesh to seal gaps in your eaves.

How to Keep Rodents Out During COVID-19

With everything else going on this year, the last thing you have time for is a rodent problem. At Rentokil, we know how distressing rodent problems are, which is why we are committed to keeping you and your family safe all year long. Contact our rodent exterminators today to find out more!

Fall & Winter Termite Activity

Termites can infest Puerto Rico homes in the fall and winter - Rentokil formerly Oliver ExterminatingHere in Puerto Rico, we are accustomed to dealing with certain pests all year long. Termites are one of the most destructive pests and, unfortunately, they are active all year long. Many make the mistake of thinking that these pests are only active in the spring and summer, but this is because they’re often seen swarming. A termite colony can infest and continue to chew its way through a structure in the fall, winter, spring, and summer. Due to this fact, it’s crucial to stay vigilant about termite prevention all year long. The team at Rentokil, formerly Oliver Exterminating is here to help.

Do Termites Go Dormant in the Fall?

Unlike other pests, termites do not go dormant in the colder parts of the year. In fact, they remain as active as ever in the fall and winter. The queens lay eggs year-round and at a steady rate. This means that termite colonies will not only stay active but continue to grow during the fall and winter. Maturity is the number one determinant in a colony’s ability to damage your home. A two to four-year-old colony can cause damage in your property any time of the year.

This being said, termites need to stay warm in colder temperatures, which is why they will nest 25 to 30 feet down in the soil during the winter. This is why it’s unlikely to see termites this time of year. However, you can certainly still notice any damage caused by a termite infestation.

Signs of Termite Infestations

If you start to notice termite damage, you likely have a termite infestation on your hands. In the fall, winter, and all other seasons, it’s important to look for the following signs of termite damage in your property:

  • Ceiling/wall discoloration
  • Termite frass (feces)
  • Sagging sheetrock
  • Buckling floors
  • Loose tiles
  • Bubbled floors
  • Holes in drywall
  • Crumbling wood
  • Hollow windows and/or doors
  • Shed swarmer wings

How to Get Rid of Termites in the Fall

The best form of termite control is regular preventative maintenance. At Rentokil, our goal is to stop a termite problem before it starts. We have a number of termite treatment options to keep you protected from termites in the fall and all year long. Contact our termite exterminators today to learn more!

Best Pest-Proofing Tips For Fall


Cleaning your home can help prevent fall pest infestations in Puerto Rico - Rentokil, formerly Oliver Exterminating

Worried about the colder months ahead? Seasonal pest infestations spike this time of year as insects and rodents alike start to make their way indoors in preparation for colder weather. Once inside, these pests will gladly settle in and enjoy the endless sources of food, water, and shelter that your Puerto Rico home provides. The last thing you want to deal with in the months ahead are pests inside your property. This is why fall pest-proofing is so important to protect your home. Keep reading for Rentokil, formerly Oliver Exterminating’s best tips for protecting your home from pests this fall and winter.

Top Tips to Pest-Proof Your Home This Fall

Some of the most common pests we deal with this time of year include cockroaches, rodents, and spiders, among others. The best way to keep them outside where they belong is to implement pest exclusion tactics. Our best pest-proofing tips for fall include:

  1. Ensure your basements, attics, and crawl spaces are well ventilated and dry. Pests and insects love moisture. Consider using a dehumidifier in moisture-filled areas.
  2. Store all firewood at least 20 feet away from your home and keep your yard clean and tidy. Trim back trees and shrubs that are too close to the home.
  3. Thoroughly inspect items before bringing them indoors. This includes boxes of your seasonal decorations, grocery bags, package deliveries, and more. The last thing you want is to carry pests inside.
  4. Consider replacing your weather-stripping. Also repair loose mortar around the foundation and windows. These are easy ways to keep not only pests, but also cold air out of the house.
  5. Promptly pick up your pets’ food dishes after they’re done eating. Pet food left out on the floor, in the garage, or even outdoors is an easy target for insects and rodents alike.
  6. Install door sweeps and repair damaged screens. Torn window screens and cracks under doors are an ideal entry point for household pests. Opening a window without a screen is a sure way to invite the pests right in.
  7. Make sure your drainage system is functioning properly. Install gutters or repair your existing system to help draw water away from the home. Quickly fix or replace any leaky pipes contributing to moisture issues inside.
  8. Install screens wherever there is an opening in your property: attic vents, chimney openings, mail slots, animal doors, and more.
  9. Seal any cracks or crevices using caulk and steel wool on the perimeter of your property. Pay special attention to areas where utility pipes enter.
  10. Clean your home on a regular basis. Wipe down your kitchen counters, store food in sealed containers, and use a trash can with a tight-fitting lid. Crumbs and accessible garbage will draw pests of all types.

Seasonal Pest Control Services in Puerto Rico

At Rentokil, we know how distressing a pest problem can be any time of the year. Because they are more likely to come inside during the fall and winter, contact our home exterminators now to see how we can help safeguard your home.

Dangerous Fall Spiders in Puerto Rico

Brown recluse spiders are dangerous in Puerto Rico - Oliver Exterminating

Spiders are a common occurrence all year long here in Puerto Rico. However, spider populations are at their largest in the fall months, which is why you may be seeing more in your home right now! Spiders hatch in the springtime. By the time August and September rolls around, spiders are in full force. Thankfully, most house spiders are harmless. That said, there are two in particular that you need to be on the lookout for: the black widow and the brown recluse. Keep reading for expert info on dangerous fall spiders in Puerto Rico.

Brown Recluse Spiders & Black Widows

Although rare, both of these spiders can bite when they leave threatened. Their bites can be very dangerous. Here’s what to know about these two spiders to be on the lookout for:

  • Black widow spiders
    1. These spiders have a characteristic red hourglass shape on its body.
    2. They build sticky, tangled cobwebs in garages, sheds, and near the ground.
    3. They can bite when they feel threatened.
  • Brown recluse spiders
    1. Brown recluse spiders have a darker brown violin shape on their brown bodies.
    2. They build loose, dome-shaped webs for shelter.
    3. A brown recluse bite is known to be very painful.

Preventing Spiders in the Home

In order to keep these eight-legged creatures outside, there are several things you can do to make your property less attractive to them:

  1. Regularly maintain your lawn and yard. An unkempt yard with overgrown vegetation will invite all types of spiders to your property.
  2. Clean and tidy up your space. Doing so can prevent insects that spiders like to prey on and eliminate hiding spots for pests.
  3. Seal any cracks and crevices. Spiders and other pests can crawl inside through the smallest of holes.
  4. Install screens on your doors and windows. Otherwise, an open window will surely invite spiders (and other pests) inside.

What to Do About Fall Spiders

If you’ve done all you can to prevent spiders this fall and still notice them popping up in your property, it may be time to enlist the help of a professional exterminator. At Oliver Exterminating, our spider pest control pros can help protect you from spiders in Puerto Rico year-round. Contact us today to learn more.